Hotel Owners

At Zennova, we recognize that the hospitality industry is always at the forefront of adopting new technologies and practices to attract and better serve travelers.
The continuous evolution of this industry requires every Greek hotel business, regardless of size, to integrate Digital Marketing as an integral part of its strategy. Otherwise, there is a risk of being left behind in developments.

Digital Marketing does not work independently, but in synergy with the traditional marketing of the business.
Based on a well-planned market research, a clear strategy and strong branding, and centered on a well-structured website and interconnected software tools (PMS, Booking Engine, Channel Manager), we offer a comprehensive range of activities, such as:

- Management of distribution channels (Distribution Management):
We use the appropriate channels for the effective distribution of your services.

- Management of pricing policy (Revenue/Price Management):
We optimize your pricing strategy for maximum results.

- Display (Search engines, online advertising, social media):
We enhance your online presence through targeted advertising and social media management.

- Reputation Management (PR, User Reviews): We build and manage the reputation of your business through PR strategies and monitoring customer reviews.

At Zennova, we help you grow your business in the demanding world of hospitality, with the power of Digital Marketing.